
Clarity AI

The Challenge

Traditionally, financial markets have used ESG scores as one of the strategies to evaluate the impact of companies on society. However, this approach is limited as it only measures financial risk linked to sustainability topics, not the comprehensive impact on society.

Also, current ESG score providers tend to be opaque about how they calculate their scores and rely on the subjective assessment of an analyst. That results in scores that are difficult to understand and compare, and are often inconsistent and unreliable. The way to incorporate this information into decision making is time consuming, as it is usually done on a company by company analysis rather than a systematic portfolio and funds view, siloed ESG information not connected with financial and full holdings information.

The Solution

Clarity AI is a tech platform offering a software as a service and API solution for investors to manage and optimize the key regulatory, sustainability and impact needs of their investment portfolios, leveraging big data and and machine learning.

Clarity AI’s value proposition is structured around 3 main pillars:

1. Data: The largest and most reliable database of environmental and social impact data (~30k companies, 198 countries, 187 local governments,135k+ funds), by combining both structured and unstructured data, applying reliability algorithms and complementing them with estimated data.

2. Objective & Scalable Ratings: Societal / environmental impact and sustainability modules and proprietary methodologies (e.g., ESG Risk, Climate, UN SDGs), including market leading Regulatory Solutions for EU Taxonomy and SFDR reporting. Additionally, access unique scoring customization capabilities and reporting based on client’s preferences. 

3. Tools: A technology platform that enables seamless sustainability analysis and reporting of investment portfolios. 

It is now a market leading sustainability solution endorsed and in use by some of the world’s preeminent asset managers, asset owners, wealth managers, investment platforms and fund distribution platforms.

Please find a short description of Clarity AI here.

The Importance

Clarity AI’s mission is contributing to a more socially efficient capital allocation by providing decision makers with the most reliable and comprehensive methodologies and tools to understand and optimize social and environmental impact, leveraging scientific research and the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence.

There is a wealth of sustainability information and approaches but no standard approach to make it comparable and incorporate it into investment decisions. We are working to change the paradigm of the investment world: from sustainability as a discrete characteristic of an investment, to a measurable dimension that can be included in the decision making similar to risk and return.

Next steps

Please reach out to us if you want to learn more about Clarity AI – request a demo ([email protected]) or contact us through our website here

What to expect?

A demo of Clarity AI just for you (how it works and how it can meet your needs)

Pricing details and engagement model

A Q&A with one of our Clarity team members

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