The Senior Managers & Certification Regime (SM&CR) has been with us for some time now, but should we be cautious about losing focus and our attention being directed elsewhere? For instance, are you confident that your firm is ready for embedding the regime as expected by the regulator; in a way that becomes ‘integral to the way a firm operates and does business?’ The FCA has made it clear that the extension of the Senior Manager and Certification Regime should be about culture change and creating a culture of accountability rather than ‘tickbox’ compliance, but the level of detail and guidance around how to achieve this is notably absent. There is an awful lot to consider in stepping up to the challenges of influencing culture, combined with managing competence, capability and evidencing accountability through the whole organisation. These issues continue to be points of discussion and debate for many.
We know from feedback after our past events and broadcasts that firms and individuals gain value and comfort from evaluating their firm’s continuing approach to SM&CR through group discussion and debate with peers. So, join the Worksmart team, and special guest, Marian Bloodworth, Employment Law partner in the Financial Services group at Kemp Little, for another lively discussion and update on the key issues and considerations on this topic, together with a demonstration of how the Worksmart Accord solution can help you and your organisation manage all of the component parts of the new Regime.
Meeting agenda:
• Welcome and introductions
• A regulatory update – the very latest on SM&CR:
• Directory Submission Deadlines – your commitments and are you ready?
• SM&CR in BAU – embedding and future proofing
• Kemp Little lead a discussion on the current climate from a HR and Regulatory perspective
• Accord demonstration – how can the latest RegTech help?
• Panel Discussion – your chance to submit questions for debate and discussion
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