Virtual #Funtech Comedy gig in aid of Street Child. Streets Consulting and DiverCity Podcast are partnering with Rise, created by Barclays.
Save the date and register early for the Funtech Comedy Night! We know that January can be a long, tough month, so we’re excited to bring an evening of laughter and light for an incredibly important education charity.
Once again Streets Consulting and DiverCity Podcast are partnering with Rise, created by Barclays for the next charity #FunTech Comedy Night on Thursday 28th January from 6pm.
The evening will be hosted by Julia Streets, founder & CEO of Streets Consulting and host of DiverCity Podcast. As a stand-up comedian herself, Julia has gigged at the Edinburgh Fringe and London’s iconic Comedy Store, and will be introducing a great lineup of comedians.
These sell out gigs are always hugely popular, raising thousands of pounds each time, and we encourage you to register early and put the date in your diaries. Gather your households for what promises to be a cracking night!
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