The long-term forces of supply and demand have turned investment performance, pricing, and brand into unreliable corporate differentiators. There is one differentiator left: client experience (CX) and it is controllable, commercial, and incremental. As a result, CX has become THE reliable differentiator.
CX is an observable, measurable, and dollarizable effect that you cause in clients that occurs in what clients say (feedback), and what they do (behavior).
But humans are tricky creatures, and you cannot rely on what they say. Actions, however, speak louder than words, which makes client behavior the reliable indicator of demand.
Designed by an industry-wide innovation project, the Client Behavior Benchmark yields unique business intelligence about institutional clients and competitors across the Americas, EMEA, and Apac.
Across the client journey, you will discover the areas of out- and under-performance of the experience you provided and, therefore, of your impact on:
Typical buyers are in the roles that shape distribution strategy: heads of Business Intelligence, Client Insights, Client Experience, Distribution COOs, and Marketing Directors.
“Is there anything more important than whether clients buy, stay, or buy more?” asked the CAO of a blue-chip asset management firm.
Use cases:
1. Keep your sales funnel as wide as possible for as long as possible.
2. Quantify the revenue impacts of the behaviors you stimulate in clients.
3. Set informed targets for key client behaviors.
4. Create the cross-functional strategies essential for a superior client experience.
5. Respond quickly to changes in client behavior.
If you are in our of our ‘typical buyer’ roles, book a demo – join the Founder (Adam Grainger) for a personal tour of what you have to do to use the benchmark and what you get back in return >
Email: [email protected]
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