KYND help investors see, understand and manage cyber risk across their portfolio of investments, their third party suppliers and their own organisations. KYND specialise in helping people understand risk and prioritise what needs to be addressed. Utilising their own proprietary cyber risk profiling technology, KYND allows an investor to continuously monitor and perform one-off reports providing insight into the vulnerabilities that cause breaches. Investors no longer have to decypher a scale of cyber risks, KYND can monitor the risk of your port-cos and invest-cos and work with them directly to help them understand exactly what vulnerabilities they have, where they are and how to fix them. Reports can be tailored to the investor to provide monthly / quarterly updates to portfolio managers / directors / board members for a portfolio wide view of investment risk and investment teams can run one-off reports on target acquisitions before an investment is made.

The Challenge

Investors have long since struggled to understand which of their investments is more likely to suffer a cyber incident, let alone help their port-cos and invest-cos identify and prioritise their cyber risks.

Investors typically rely on their port-cos to manage their own cyber risk and request updates through annual questionnaires. Port-cos, understandably focused on growth, don’t always have the right tools to help them effectively prioritise and understand these risks and the questionnaires are seen as more tick-box exercises and not evidence based.

Likewise – investment teams don’t have a streamlined way of understanding the cyber posture of a potential acquisition before they make in investment.

The Solution

KYNDs pioneering technology supports an investors due diligence, ESG and cyber programmes by providing evidence based insight into the cyber risks each portfolio company has and prioritises them from a view of which ones are most likely to lead to a breach.

A simple traffic light system of green, amber and red is applied to each investment as well as each individual cyber vulnerability to allow for quick, easy to understand identification of risk size and performance over time.

Our client data has shown that any organisation with a ‘red’ level vulnerability is 3 times more likely to suffer a cyber incident

Next steps

For further information on how KYND are supporting the Investment Management industry see, understand and manage cyber risk, please contact [email protected] and one of the team will be in touch

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