How to Create a More Circular Economy in Fashion Through ESG Investing?

How to Create a More Circular Economy in Fashion Through ESG Investing?

The issues of overconsumption and environmental impact from fast fashion have garnered significant concerns from around the world over the past decade. According to data released by the World Economic Forum, the fashion industry produces 10 per cent of all humanity’s carbon emissions, and is the second-largest consumer of the world’s water supply.

The issues of overconsumption and environmental impact from fast fashion have garnered significant concerns from around the world over the past decade. According to data released by the World Economic Forum, the fashion industry produces 10 per cent of all humanity’s carbon emissions, and is the second-largest consumer of the world’s water supply.

Other than the environmental aspect, 67 per cent of the world’s clothing exports come from developing countries, where labour and environmental laws and regulations can be lax and eventually see problems such as child and forced labour.

In this Lynk Speaker Session, Christina Dean, founder and board chair of environmental NGO Redress; and co-founder and CEO of upcycled fashion brand The R Collective, spoke about the recent developments in sustainable fashion, and what is needed to pave the way to a more circular economy.

On the panel, Måns Carlsson, head of ESG research at Ausbil Investment Management, spoke about what the global fashion industry needs to do to attract ESG funding, and the importance of making better informed investment decisions through engaging with stakeholders along the supply chain.



This article was originally published on Lynk Insights.


The conversation took place in the Lynk Speaker Session titled ‘Eco-Investing: Sustainable Fashion in a Circular Economy’ on October 21, 2020.


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