Author: Lynk –
Women on Boards: Brewer Lane Ventures’ Martha Notaras on What Women Bring to the Boardroom Table
“Do you have plans to start a family?”, “Are you emotional?”, “What if the sales don’t materialise?” – These are the questions that are not unfamiliar to female business leaders who have had experience going through a board interview or pitch meeting. The unconscious biases against women have plagued the global business community for such a long time that 17 per cent of company boards globally still do not have a single woman.
Among the influential voices that have spoken about the lack of women in boardrooms, Norway’s US$1.3 trillion sovereign wealth fund – the world’s largest – also said in its recent position paper that its portfolio companies should boost the number of women on their boards. Former Newton Investment Management Chief Executive Dame Helena Morrissey also founded the 30% Club campaign with the goal to reach at least 30 per cent representation of all women on all boards and C-suites globally.
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Addressing Inequality: Demi Health’s Quinnie Lin on Solving Healthcare Problems at Scale
Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19, fundamental flaws in the global healthcare industry have been exposed. But it has also spawned a variety of new developments in the domain. One example that has captured attention in recent years is the concept of femtech. Female technology generally refers to software, products, and services that use technology to cater to women’s problems, especially health issues.
At the very beginning stage, there were only fertility tracking apps that defined the category. But now it goes far beyond and covers a lot more areas such as pregnancy and maternal care, sexual health, chronic diseases and more. Although the femtech sector is trending, it still takes some time for the sector to grow from niche to mainstream as the sector remains an undeveloped area for healthcare with only 4 per cent of healthcare R&D going towards women’s health.
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Minding the Tech Gender Gap: Girls Who Code’s Tarika Barrett on Why More Women in Tech is Good for Business
While COVID-19 has only been around for a little more than a year, it is already well-documented that the pandemic’s impact on women may be especially strenuous. Female workers are more likely to have been furloughed or made redundant than their male counterparts, and having a tougher time getting hired during the pandemic. In male-dominated industries such as the information technology sector, a survey by Girls Who Code reveals that 30 per cent of the non-profit organisation’s community of female tech professionals had lost job or internship opportunities due to the pandemic.
In response to that, Tarika Barrett, chief operating officer of Girls Who Code, organised the first virtual hiring summit along with the NGO’s CEO Reshma Saujani early this year, and attracted over 800 attendees who were mainly women and girls looking for jobs in tech.
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