Case Study: Tokio Marine Uses NLP to Predict Stock Price Movements

Case Study: Tokio Marine Uses NLP to Predict Stock Price Movements

Learn why the largest non-mutual private insurance group in Japan tapped SESAMm for a joint research venture to predict future stock price movements and how.

Author: SESAMm–


Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. (TMNF) tapped SESAMm for a joint research venture to predict future stock price movements. SESAMm provided various NLP indicators, such as digital sentiments calculated for single stocks or indices (seen as an entity), as well as its experience in machine learning to work on this task.


These studies concluded with two key findings:


  1. Relationships exist between NLP data from news and social networking sites and investor behavior under specific circumstances. Researchers and investors can use the “digital sentiment” as an indicator of investor sentiment to anticipate price changes. They can then use this anticipation for a specific company or, more generally, any entity that can be isolated in a text (like an index).
  2. By focusing on more stressed situations, like the 2015 market sell-off, the U.S.-China trade war, the coronavirus pandemic, and the start of the Ukrainian crisis, we could show that digital sentiment is beneficial in times of significant stress in the market. Digital sentiment more accurately reflects the stress level in these complicated situations. It, therefore, helps to predict stock price movements more accurately in these stressed cases, providing a tail hedge. It’s not biased by an excess of confidence linked to the “central banks put” for instance.


Read or download the full case study here >

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