How Successful Investors Use AI to Get ESG Data

How Successful Investors Use AI to Get ESG Data

See how AI helps investors overcome challenges to get valuable ESG data from alternative sources and why that’s important to meet today’s ESG demands.

Author: SESAMm–


Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data.


It’s a valuable tool that’s become a standard measurement in sustainable finance for corporate stakeholders.


However, due to the growing demand and need for accurate and timely ESG data in investment decision-making and the ESG finance field, it’s also difficult to attain.


And if you’re reading this, it’s because you likely use ESG data regularly and are looking to improve your data or insights into the data. Or you’re new to ESG data and want to understand it better and how to get accurate and timely data using AI. Whatever your reason, we’ve got you covered.


But before we dive into these points, let’s cover a quick history of ESG.


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