FCA & City of London Corporation – Applications for digital sandbox pilot close on Friday 30th October at 11:59pm

FCA & City of London Corporation – Applications for digital sandbox pilot close on Friday 30th October at 11:59pm

The application window for the digital sandbox pilot closes on Friday 30th October at 11.59pm.


Testing in the sandbox:

The digital sandbox pilot has been launched by the FCA and City of London Corporation to provide a suite of tools to support innovation in financial services. The pilot will provide support to innovative firms looking to provide solutions to areas impacted by the coronarvirus: preventing fraud and scams, improving the financial resilience of vulnerable consumers, and improving access to finance for SMEs.


All information relating to the pilot including the full description of support available, application process and FAQs can be found at https://www.digitalsandboxpilot.co.uk/. Organisations wanting to test in the sandbox will be required to complete an application form on the website. You are not required to be based in the UK to apply.

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